Step 1. Enter URL and click "Log In".
Step 2. Select P2P in the upper left corner.
Step 3. Select the crypto you want to buy (e.g., USDT). Choose from the available advertisers by considering price and payment method, and click "Buy USDT."
Step 4. Enter the amount/quantity you wish to buy, and click "Confirm."
Step 5. Confirm payment amount (total price) and payment method in Order Details.
Within the time limit, select a payment method, then click "I Have Transferred, Next," confirm your payment method, and click "I Have Paid." (Please note that you should transfer via online banking, mobile banking, or any third-party payment platform as required by the seller. If you have made the transfer, do not click "Cancel Order" unless you have received the refund from the seller. If you have not paid, do not click "I Have Paid," which is not allowed by the trading rules.)
Then, please wait for the seller to release the cryptos. In the meantime, you can contact the seller or Customer Support. See Notes at the end of this article for details.
Step 6. The transaction is completed after the seller releases the cryptos. You can view the crypto you just purchased in your Spot account.
1. You can contact the seller in the chat box if you have not received the crypto 2 minutes after clicking "I Have Paid."
2. You can click "Complain" if you have not received the crypto 5 minutes after clicking "I Have Paid." Our customer support team will contact you in the chat box.
3. Only BTC and USDT trading services are available on OTC. Please go to Spot to trade other cryptos.
4. You can contact Support for other issues or disputes.