Market Movements refer to the changes in prices and trading volumes that have the potential to affect market performance. The market movement indicators can serve as a guide to users in their trading activities.
Market Movement Category: Trading volume changes and price changes
Price Changes: These changes are based on price variations in percentage within specific time periods.
Trading Volume Changes: These changes are based on trading amount and value variations within given time frames.
See details below:
Market Movement Category | Change Type | Explanation |
Price Changes |
Price Rise | When the price increases by over 1% within 5 minutes (if the price is higher than 1,000 USDT) or by over 5% (if the price is lower than 1,000 USDT). |
Price Fall | When the price decreases by over 1% within 5 minutes (if the price is higher than 1,000 USDT) or by over 5% (if the price is lower than 1,000 USDT). | |
24h Soar | When the last price surges by over 10% (for the first alert) and 15% (for the second alert) compared to that 24 hours ago. | |
24h Plummet | When the last price plunges by over 10% (for the first alert) and 15% (for the second alert) compared to that 24 hours ago. | |
Price Rebound | When the price within 5 minutes increases by over 5% compared to that 24 hours ago. | |
Price Drop | When the price within 5 minutes decreases by over 5% compared to that 24 hours ago. | |
Recent High | When the last price reaches the highest level within the past 48 hours. | |
Recent Low | When the last price reaches the lowest level within the past 48 hours. | |
Trading Volume Changes | Up, Vol Rises | When the price increases by over 1% within 5 minutes (if the price is higher than 1,000 USDT) or by over 5% (if the price is lower than 1,000 USDT), along with trading volume exceeding 10,000 USDT and over three times the average of the past five 5-minute K-line volume. |
Down, Vol Rises | When the price decreases by over 1% within 5 minutes (if the price is higher than 1,000 USDT) or by over 5% (if the price is lower than 1,000 USDT), along with trading volume exceeding 10,000 USDT and over three times the average of the past five 5-minute K-line volume. |