Dear Poloniex Users,
To enhance your experience with Futures API services, Poloniex will update several futures API interfaces on December 31, 2024. Update details are as follows:
- GET /v3/market/instruments
- GET /v3/market/allInstruments
The above two interfaces will add the response parameter: "ordPxRange" (Order price range).
- GET /v3/trade/position/opens
The above interface will add the following response parameters:
"actType": Account type.
"maxWAmt": Maximum withdrawable amount in the isolated margin mode.
"tpTrgPx": Take profit trigger price.
"slTrgPx": Stop loss trigger price.
- GET /v3/trade/order/opens
- GET /v3/trade/order/history
- GET /v3/trade/position/history
The above three interfaces will add the following response parameters.
"actType": Account type.
"qCcy": Quote currency.
Public Channel - Symbol will add the following parameter:
"ordPxRange": Order price range.
Private Channel - Positions will add the following parameters:
"actType": Account type.
"maxWAmt": Maximum withdrawable amount in the isolated margin mode.
"tpTrgPx": Take profit trigger price.
"slTrgPx": Stop loss trigger price.
Private Channel - Orders will add the following parameters:
"actType": Account type.
"qCcy": Quote currency.
Thank you for your continued support!
December 30, 2024