Some currencies have a minimum amount for deposits, which is displayed when clicking on “Deposit” for the specific currency.
Below is a list of currencies that require a minimum deposit amount:
Coin Name | Minimum Amount |
ETC | 0.5 |
LSK | 1 |
NXT | 3 |
What happens if I deposit less than the minimum amount?
You will need to deposit more of the specific coin. As soon as you bring the sum to at least the minimum deposit amount plus network fees, the whole amount will be automatically credited to your Poloniex account.
To check your deposit address balance, you can search for it on a block explorer and verify how much you still need to send. Please note that each specific coin has a unique block explorer. You can simply send more, until the balance of your deposit address is above the required amount.
Clicking on the ‘Deposit’ option expands the row where the input deposit address is available. Before making a deposit, please read the rules and exceptions for specific coin wallets that are displayed in the expanded row area.