If you believe your account has been compromised, contact our Support Team immediately and check your email inbox.
If we detect a login from a new IP, Poloniex will automatically send an email to your Poloniex associated email. Those emails have the subject Successful Login from New IP and are from do-not-reply@poloniex.com. Within this email is a link to freeze your account, which you can click to stop all account activity.
Example email from 2018
You can also reach out to our team through our Support Center to report account compromises.
Once you have done so, please enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Poloniex account and on your email account associated with your Poloniex account as soon as possible, if you have not done so already.
If possible, make sure to disable any remote assistance software that may be running on your computer, and scan the computer for possible malware.
We understand this can be a stressful situation, and would like you to know that our team is constantly working to ensure account security. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.