Poloniex Futures provides easy integration to interact with our futures exchange through both REST APIs and Websocket Feeds. Both allow read access to public market data and private read access to your account. Private write access to your account is available via the private REST API. We created a sample Python script and sample trading strategies to enable customers to get started quickly with API trading. Read on to learn more about using our API starter kit containing a sample SDK and sample trading strategies.
Before you can get started with our API, you have to create your Poloniex Futures API key. Check out our how-to video below for more information on setting up your API keys.
Once your API keys are set up, you can begin using our sample API trading kit, starting with our sample SDK. View the sample SDK on our Github and follow along with the video tutorial below to complete the set up.
Use this sample SDK at your own risk. You should not use this code in production unless you fully understand its limitations. Even if you understand the code and its limitations, you may incur losses when using this code for trading. When used in combination with your own code, the combination may not function as intended, and as a result you may incur losses. Poloniex is not responsible for any losses you may incur when using this code.
Now that you have your SDK installed, you can either create your own trading strategy with your API or you can use our sample strategies as a starting point. We have provided a sample market maker strategy and a sample momentum strategy. You can find our sample strategies on our Github and learn more about how to get started with them in the video below.
Use these sample strategies at your own risk. This code is intended for demonstration purposes only, the scripts contained demonstrate the basics of interacting with the Poloniex API through a practical example. We do not endorse or recommend that you use these scripts or the sample strategies they contain in a production environment. As these have not been backtested for profitability, you should expect to lose money if you use them. Poloniex is not responsible for any losses you may incur when using these scripts.