If you already have an open ticket for this issue, please respond to your ticket directly as duplicate requests increase wait times for all customers.
For information on how to update account information, please see this article: https://support.poloniex.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040029833-How-to-Update-Your-Account-Information
If you have not, please attempt manually adding the 16 digit code to the Authenticator following the instructions found here: https://support.poloniex.com/hc/articles/360039531134
If you have not, please try syncing your time server following the steps found here: https://support.poloniex.com/hc/articles/360040029033
Please ensure that you have withdrawn all funds before proceeding with an account closure request.
For future tax reporting purposes we highly recommend that you export your transaction history as you will not be able to access this information once your account is closed. https://poloniex.com/tradeHistory, https://poloniex.com/depositHistory
Please select the deposit address. If you don't have the deposit address enter N/A.
Please provide your Transaction ID. If you don't have a Transaction ID enter N/A.
If your transaction requires a Memo ID, please attach a screenshot of your withdrawal history containing transaction details in the Attachments section below.
ex. 2019/12/20, 18:01:20
If not, you can start that process here: https://poloniex.com/resetPassword
Please enter the details of your request and our support team will reply via email as soon as possible.